Calligaris Fabio Bortolani Sagitta Square design suspension lamp CS/8013-SS
The Calligaris Sagitta Square design suspension lamp CS/8013-SS is available in Reflections Furniture's North Carolina Showroom. Reflections Furniture may be restricted from showing prices, however please select the Click For Quote button and Reflections Furniture Sales and Design Staff will reply or please call (828) 327-8485 for more information.
Sagitta Square design suspension lamp
With its sleek minimalist design and metal frame, Sagitta is perfect for young and modern spaces: dining tables, kitchens or living areas. Made from methacrylate sheets slotted into each other, the diffuser, which has all the elegance and transparency of glass, creates a unique mood lighting effect. It can be coordinated with the other lamps from the same line.